
Meet & Greets? Meat & greets? Meats & greets?

Not sure on that one, don’t care enough to sort it out.

Two public appearances on the docket for this summer so far:

Saturday June 17th at 10am I’ll be at Fuller Public Library in downtown Hillsboro NH for their NH author event. We’re hoping to have tables and tents on their huge lawn, but can pivot inside to their amazing historic building if need be. It’s free, it should be fun.

Also, I’m dragging DJ Leone (aka Dan Lewis) out into public to meet his adoring (tolerating) fans. We’re going to hold court at Double Midnight Comics in Manchester NH on Saturday July 22nd from noon to close, which is about 8pm. I’ll have tons of cool swag on hand, and I’m buying pizza for everyone at dinnertime. I made a Facebook event if you want to chat about it.

So, if you were thinking of coming to scenic New England this summer, let this be a pair of events that can entice you!
