
The Bleed has come to an end.

Today the third book in The Bleed trilogy releases. Co-written by David Moody, Mark Tufo and myself this universe-spanning, multiverse-wrecking apocalyptic story can be read or listened to in its entirety. // Reality after reality is being destroyed by THE BLEED. With...

The Awakening

Is here. Stephen King meets Kevin Smith in this smart, humor-laced tale of cosmic horror, cults, and monsters running amok.Diggory Finch had a mother that didn’t seem to want him, and a father that chose to run from every struggle the family ever had. Same father lied...

Fresh Adrian Ring audio!

Like a brick at a birthday cake. Shoreham Port in Brighton, England, has been secured by Adrian Ring alongside his friends, with the five navy ships that made the trans-Atlantic voyage to find the European Trinity. He must find the Soul, the Scribe, and the Warden and...