
The Bleed has come to an end.

Today the third book in The Bleed trilogy releases. Co-written by David Moody, Mark Tufo and myself this universe-spanning, multiverse-wrecking apocalyptic story can be read or listened to in its entirety. // Reality after reality is being destroyed by THE BLEED. With...

The Awakening

Is here. Stephen King meets Kevin Smith in this smart, humor-laced tale of cosmic horror, cults, and monsters running amok.Diggory Finch had a mother that didn’t seem to want him, and a father that chose to run from every struggle the family ever had. Same father lied...

The Awakening approaches.

Diggory Finch had a mother that didn’t seem to want him, and a father that chose to run from every struggle the family ever had. Same father lied about the family fortune. But now Grandma Beatrice is gone, and Diggory has inherited Finch Island in Twin Falls, as well...

Fresh Adrian Ring audio!

Like a brick at a birthday cake. Shoreham Port in Brighton, England, has been secured by Adrian Ring alongside his friends, with the five navy ships that made the trans-Atlantic voyage to find the European Trinity. He must find the Soul, the Scribe, and the Warden and...